
Probate Court is a division of the Courts of Common Pleas in Ohio. Probate Court has exclusive jurisdiction over certain special types of cases: estates, guardianships of incompetent persons and minors, name changes of adults and minors, and adoptions. The Probate Court also issues marriage licenses.

Juvenile Court has jurisdiction over legal issues involving people under the age of eighteen. Cases regarding delinquency, traffic, and unruly charges are heard and decided by the Juvenile Court. Custody, visitation and support matters for children whose parents were not married also come under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court.



Since 2020, the Wayne County Probate and Juvenile Court has held hearings both in person at the Wayne County Courthouse or via video through Zoom. Unless a court order says otherwise, all hearings are presumed to occur in person at the courthouse.

For parties who will be participating in video hearings with the Court, the Court has prepared a guide to using Zoom, which can be found here. For other assistance, please consider reviewing the video instructions located on Zoom's website. Parties and counsel participating via Zoom must have video and audio capabilities as well as access to the internet. If participating, please call the Court at a number above to provide an email address and telephone number at which you can be reached for the hearing.

If a Juvenile Court hearing has not been scheduled by video and you would like to participate remotely, please complete and file the form found here to request a video appearance. For Probate Court matters, a written request with similar content can be made, or parties may call (330) 287-5575 to speak with a clerk regarding video appearances.