Grandparent Powers of Attorney

Grandparent Powers of Attorney (GPOA)*

A parent (or parents) of a child who is residing with a grandparent may file a grandparent power of attorney (GPOA) Ohio Revised Code §3109.52-61, and §3109.76-80, which grants the grandparent the authority to make certain care-related decisions for the grandchild. The parent is legally required to notify the other parent (or state why s/he is unable to notifiy the other parent), and must file the GPOA with the court in the county where the child and grandparent are residing. If the child is subject to a previously issued order of custody, the GPOA procedure cannot be used. Read more on custody.

Grandparent Caretaker Authorization Affidavit (CAA)*

A grandparent whose grandchild is living with him/her/them, and whose parents cannot be located, may obtain limited legal authority over the grandchild by filing a Grandparent Caretaker Authorization Affidavit (CAA), Ohio Revised Code §3109.65-80. The CAA is effective for one year. If the grandparent files a second CAA, the court is required to set the matter for hearing. If the child is subject to a previously issued custody order, the CAA procedure cannot be used. Read more on custody.


*See Also, Guardianships


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