Obtaining an Attorney
Good legal assistance can speed up the court process and prevent making costly errors.
The laws of probate and juvenile court are complex. If you have a matter pending before the court affecting your legal rights and responsibilities or the rights and responsibilities of your child or other member of your family, the court strongly recommends that you seek legal counsel.
You have the legal right to represent yourself in court and you may speak for your minor child, but you cannot represent your child as an attorney.
This list is provided merely as a public service. The links below are links to legal resources you may find helpful. It is not a complete list and the court does not endorse any particular attorney who may be listed on these sites. By using this web site, you agree that you remain responsible for your own choice of attorney.
The information contained on this web site is not legal advice, nor should it substitute for the assistance of a qualified attorney. Good legal assistance can speed up the court process and prevent costly legal errors.